
Endermologie® Cellulite and Body Contouring treatment is a full body treatment. The Cellu M6 Keymodule will address every individual’s specific needs. It gently lifts, stretches and stimulates connective tissue, thereby naturally restoring its proper functioning.

Just one Endermologie® session dramatically increases blood flow and facilitates lymphatic drainage. A series of consecutive Endermologie® sessions lead to a better elasticity of the septa. Due to its therapeutic advantages the treatment is highly popular among people whose jobs require long hours of standing or siting.

Endermologie® Cellulite and Body Sculpting treatment is the ultimate advancement in a healthy approach to body shaping. It is a non-invasive treatment for effective skin reconditioning and body contouring.

The cellulite and contouring treatment will last anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes and will feel like a nice and soothing massage.

Already after the first treatment you will feel the difference. Also, an overall increase of well being and relaxation is experienced immediately after each Endermologie® Cellulite and Body Contouring massage..

For visible results that are long lasting a series of 10 to 20 treatments are recommended. Research shows that once a month maintenance sessions further deepen the already achieved results.